Hi, i'm luke Gooding

I'm just a Trini on a Journey. To where? It's unclear
But with God at my side and hope in my heart, success and my grip are never far apart.


Ever felt like the world is just too crazy? Ever wished it all made sense? Well you are not alone. Join me on my journey from ignorance to some semblance of knowledge as I talk the untalkable with people with experience and knowledge. This is an effort to take the conversation from the toxic environment that is social media and present you with perspectives you may or may not agree with. I will have conversations about everything from music and politics to religion and psychology to sports and self-motivation.I am young. I am ignorant. That is my present reality...but as Jordan Peterson says"The greatest adventure that you can possibly have is the one that you find if you look for the TRUTH"

Podcast #9 - Michael Lezama
CXC and SEA in shambles??!

Podcast #8 - Kerron John

Podcast #7 - Alexandrea Jones

Podcast #6 - Darrion Narine

Podcast #5 - Dion Carrington

Podcast #4 - Jason Gordon

Podcast #3 - Luke Walker

Podcast #2 - Destinee-Ann Robinson

Podcast #1 - James Lancer


Feel free to hit me up if you liked or disliked something I said in a podcast (respectfully of course) or if you are interested in any of my services

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Spiritual vs Religious

“I am spiritual but not religious”. I have heard this sentence uttered on countless occasions, particularly from the mouths of my youthful peers. The separation of spirituality from religion is a relatively modern phenomenon and has resulted in the redefinition of these terms. Spirituality is an umbrella term that encompasses everything involving man’s relationship to a superior being, including existential perspectives on life, death, and the nature of reality. Religions on the other hand are institutionalized subcategories of spirituality characterized by practices, rituals and engagement with religious community members.
I find this categorization curious, especially considering that every spiritual belief is based on a religious one and not vice versa. Furthermore, the word Religion comes from the Latin word ligare which means to join, or link, classically understood to mean the linking of human and divine, which is eerily similar to the definition of spirituality.
Regardless, this diminishing of religion as simply one of many options to develop a relationship with God has caused an exodus of people, not from one faith to another but rather from faith to…anywhere and nowhere. A spiritual person is allowed to cherry pick beliefs and practices from religions and spiritualities both old and new. Some of the more popular ‘new age’ spiritual ideas include the Law of Attraction, Karma and horoscopes but I am interested in a particular form of spirituality: Christian spirituality. I am using this term to refer to Christians, and Catholics in particular, who no longer consider themselves a member of the faith, but have opted to keep certain aspects such as biblical reading and prayer synergized with any number of other spiritual practices. I am not here to critique the spiritual life they have turned to, but rather question their rationale for leaving their religion.
A religion is not simply a combination of rituals, teachings and prayers. These are surface practices based on an underlying foundation. However, these days, one can now simply disagree with one or two teachings (homosexual stance or monogamy for example) or rituals and use this to justify not only leaving the faith but hanging on to the teachings they find appealing. This separation of the surface teachings and practices from the underlying foundation is one of the techniques of the spiritual movement and is akin to treating a religion like a grocery store where you can checkout with the items you like.
A religion is a cohesive, substantive unit. It is a way of life, each has its own philosophical, psychological and theological outlook on life and every single surface teaching and practice is based on this deep and complex foundation. The reality is that most people who leave the faith have not reckoned with the foundation and have lazily thrown out the baby and kept the bathwater. This is not to say that confronting the foundation is an easy task. I myself have been humbled by a faith that has outlasted civilizations, by its countless complex philosophical documents and by religious leaders (priests) who wield a minimum of seven years of philosophical and theological knowledge. Despite such a foundation that has been formed over thousands of years, you can now discard it on a whim.
This is not to say that the faith is blameless even if it has a solid foundation. The reality is that humanity has built upon this foundation and with humanity comes imperfection and corruption. The Church, frankly, is filled with hypocrites, which is another reason people have turned their backs on religion. In the case of the Catholic faith, people cannot understand how a religion that claims to know what is good and claims to model Christ could be involved in some of humanity’s most heinous crimes, for example the inquisition, slavery and paedophilia. To answer this apparent paradox, I will use Jesus because I will reiterate that I am speaking to Christian spirituals. Jesus chose twelve apostles. One caused his death, one doubted his resurrection and a third denied him three times. Not only did Jesus choose to associate himself with these people, but He also made Peter the first pope! If Jesus gave them a shot and Christianity is based on his example, should we not also give people the benefit of the doubt? This does not mean that we tolerate the hypocrisy. Jesus again shows us the way. When people were using the temple as a marketplace, he flew into a rage and drove them out. He seems to be telling us to channel our rage to fix our own house instead of leaving it in disgust and despair.
That is what I am encouraging everyone to do. Question the Church. Not only is it natural, but it is beneficial for the whole. Even Jesus had doubts. He said “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?”. While modern spirituality is providing an easy route to mould the world to address your doubts, and indeed many people have developed a deeper relationship to God through it, I implore you to give the Church and its foundation the courtesy of a deeper look.
I must also remind you that what separates religion from spirituality is community. You were not intended to follow your faith alone. Community provides support and accountability and yes you can probably develop a spiritual connection alone but do not be too quick to condemn religious communities. Maybe consider fixing the temple as Jesus did.